Collaboration with Collaboration with TINGL | Post-Traumatic Relationship Stress

Post-Traumatic Relationship Stress:
Are your past relationships affecting your current one?

Recently, Ellie spoke to Tingl about how trauma and previous relationships may be holding you back from dating & intimacy, and how to overcome it.

"It’s important to remember that our emotions are stored in the body. So, if we haven’t effectively acknowledged and processed those emotions, being with a partner intimately may bring up old stuff whether we are conscious of it or not."

“Experts have introduced the concept known as Post-Traumatic Relationship Syndrome (PTRS), and it's much more common than you may think. Carrying trauma from a past relationship can get in the way of healing, moving forward, and eventually building healthy relationships with your future partners.

So this week on TINGL, we're breaking down PTRS with the incredible Ellie Rose, a registered Counsellor and Psychotherapist with a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Psychology and a Master in Counselling. Ellie works with clients individually at The Indigo Project, as well as running Cocoon which focuses on bringing authenticity and creativity to mental health for young people through accessible online resources and workshops.”

Check out the full article here


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