Free downloads & resources to help you manage whatever it is you’re going through

We love free stuff and know you do too.
Maybe you’re not sure where to start.
Maybe you’re new to this kind of thing and just want a taste.

Which is why we’ve created a bunch of bits + pieces that will always be free for you to use, whenever you need them.

I can’t stop overthinking!!!

Brain just spinning in circles? Tried everything you can to try and solve all the problems that ever existed? Worried all the worries there ever were?

Good news - here are 6 pages with 4 exercises to help you calm down and move forward clearly.

A creative therapy exercise for your mental health when you’re overwhelmed

This nifty little exercise is one used with therapy clients to help express emotions and provide clarity when things are just too much.
It’s short and simple and will bring clarity and surprises as well as flexibility for you to express creatively in whatever way and method you want.

For more info on how to use this prompt, see our blog post here!

Small Prompts, Big Feelings

Sometimes we don't want to talk. Sometimes feelings can't be expressed in words. Sometimes we're just feeling funky and don't know why.

Here’s a free, 8-page resource with creative prompts to help you express whatever you want, fast.

Identity Toolkit

Do you have no idea who you are, what you like or where you’re going?

Creativity not your thing? Need something straight to the point?

Supporting Someone You Care About

Sometimes it’s hard to figure out what to do.
What to do when someone you care about is going through a tough time with their mental health.

This 11 page mini-guide will take you what you can be doing for that person and yourself - therapist approved.

Not enough?

We’re always uploading new, fresh ideas + resources via our newsletter and social media. Chuck us a follow.

Music is a healing tool + hugely important to us. Follow us on Spotify for more playlists for your moods.