Mental Health + Wellbeing Workshops

All in one little punchy package.

Early intervention and education is the number one leading factor in preventing the development of mental health challenges.
With only a small percentage of young people accessing mental health support, the majority are left scratching their heads.
Mental health support is also tricky to access - Be it due to waitlists, financial costs or availability.

This mental health workshop packs the knowledge, strategies and tools for life that would be explored with clients in a one on one therapy session - all in a fun, approachable and creative way.

What to expect:

  • Psychoeducation and awareness on key mental health issues:

    • Including myth busting, informing youth with accurate information

  • Tangible skills and tools to manage their mental health and wellbeing now and in the future:

    • Emotional regulation skills

    • Creative methods of expression and exploration - Incorporating art and music modalities

    • Self-care

  • Knowledge and tools on how to manage relationships:

    • Managing “toxic” friendships

    • Boundaries

    • How to properly support friends with their mental health (a leading issue for young people finding themselves overwhelmed and stressed in their friendships!)

  • Creation of a safe space to share, talk through any concerns and provide support and referral pathways as needed

While you’re here - have a look at our freebies!

Free Resources, Worksheets + Activities

We’re always uploading fresh free resources for you to use, no strings attached.
Creative prompts, psychoeducation and toolkits for you to figure things out at your own pace.

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Pricing and how to arrange

Get in touch to discuss details (size of group, location, content) so we can get back to you on pricing and logistics.