Transitions, transitions

Making life’s big changes do-able.

Transitions are hard. Our brains like consistency to keep us safe, making it harder to adjust to the new. Whether it’s moving from one educational stage to the next, taking on further study or phasing into another area of your life - they’re tricky.

This workshop focuses on the big transitions that we often feel unprepared for.
Through incorporating activities used in session with past individual clients preparing for or struggling with transitions, this workshop will process the changes and difficulties in adjusting, then build a tool kit on how to take on the next phase with emotional stability, strength and resilience.

Developing a strong mindset and establishing a tool kit full of coping strategies are essential for anyone moving through life’s transitions.

The risks of not being in good mindset before or during big life changes include:

  • The development of low self esteem, which puts you at high risk for other issues such as depression, relationship difficulties, poor performance in study/work

  • Anxiety, fear and worry

  • School/uni work slipping away from them, performance and enthusiasm declining

  • Goals and vision for future unclear

This workshop will include:

  • Reflection and processing of on what you are moving FROM

  • Tools and coping strategies for current anxiety, worry, fear

  • Activities to build confidence and self esteem to carry you through what is ahead

  • Skills to deal with stress, motivation and mental health issues

  • How to continue current relationship connections and form new ones

  • Bonding and connection with others to express current challenges in adjustment

We’re always open to hearing what your need is, then working to fit you.
But for some ideas, some previous workshops have included:

  • Transition from primary-high school

  • Transition from year 11 into year 12/HSC

  • Transition from year 12 into further study (university, college, TAFE)

While you’re here - have a look at our freebies!

Free Resources, Worksheets + Activities

We’re always uploading fresh free resources for you to use, no strings attached.
Creative prompts, psychoeducation and toolkits for you to figure things out at your own pace.

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Pricing and how to arrange

Get in touch to discuss details (size of group, location, content) so we can get back to you on pricing and logistics.