Workshops + Events

We provide online and in-person workshops to educate and work through whatever your need may be. We work wherever you want us - online, schools, universities, community and private spaces.

We don’t have any planned workshops on the horizon just yet (☹) - but sign up to our newsletter here to be the first to know when we have something in the works!

Or, see our custom offerings if you want a unique tailored experience of mental health support and knowledge all in a fun little nutshell

What we do and what to expect

We empower young people through providing mental health and wellbeing workshops both online and in-person by taking the best topics and activities used with clients in sessions and package them all in an accessible, fun and creative group format.

We are passionate about giving young people the support to learn the tools to carry them through life. We believe in creating a safe, welcoming, fun space for members to participate however they like.

Early intervention and education is the number one preventative factor against developing mental health difficulties in the future. Additionally, for those who are already experiencing mental health challenges, only a fraction engage in individual therapy which leaves a large proportion without any support or education - workshops are the perfect answer to this.