A creative therapy exercise for your mental health when you’re ~overwhelmed~

Sometimes we get overwhelmed and either have no clue what we're ACTUALLY feeling, OR we know what we're feeling but struggle to work out what the next step is or how to come down from it - leaving our mental health and wellbeing feeling pretty all over the place.

This nifty lil exercise is one I use for myself and with therapy clients all the time - she's simple, relatively short but she will bring clarity and surprises as well as flexibility for you to express creatively in whatever way and method you want.

Following the image at the bottom of this page,start with yourself in the middle (can express this with a symbol, just your name or something else that feels right). Ask yourself:

- What are you feeling atm? If nothing is coming to mind, what tiny clues are there such as thoughts you're having, what you're feeling in your body? Are these tied to any fears, worries or memories?

- What is happening on the outside? Other people, their opinions/words/actions, circumstances, stressors, things that aren't in your control

- Take a moment to be mindful and reflect on what you've put down - How does this all look next to each other? Does some of it make more sense now? Is there a tiny baby step you can take or do you need some space/time to process?

If you're still feeling confused, take some time away and come back to this a little later. When we're feeling overwhelm, often we need time to digest and process before the answers become a bit more clear.


Why does my family trigger me so much, even after all this time?


Collaboration with The Bondi High